Utilize the Contracts Search Filters to easily find your Contracts.
Step 1. My Contracts
1.1 Log in.
Step 2. Search Filters
2.1 Click OPEN FILTER.
2.2 Click on the Contract Name FIELD and begin typing words that are in the Contract Name and results will populate below.
2.3 Click the Contract ID FIELD and enter the digit representing the Contracts identifying number.
2.4 Click on Reference FIELD and enter text and matching results will populate.
2.5 Click the Status FIELD and click either ACTIVE, INACTIVE, or EXPIRED from the populating drop-down menu.
2.6 Click the Parent Name FIELD and enter in the name of the Parent Entity to display any subsidiary contracts that match the Parent name you specified in the filter.
2.6 Click the Parent Name FIELD and enter in the name of the Parent Entity to display any subsidiary contracts that match the Parent name you specified in the filter.
2.7 Click the Parent ID FIELD and enter the digit identifying a Parent Contract to pull up results for only "child" or subsidiary contracts.
2.8 Click on the Value Greater Than FIELD and enter digits to pull up results of contracts worth greater than what you've inputted.
2.9 Click on the Value Less Than FIELD and enter digits to display contracts that have less value than what you've entered.
2.9 Click on the Value Less Than FIELD and enter digits to display contracts that have less value than what you've entered.
2.10 Click the Start Date On/After FIELD to open the calendar widget, select the date to set this filter.
2.11 Click the End Date On/After FIELD to open the calendar widget, select the date to set this filter.
2.12 Click the Entity FIELD and click the NAME of the Entity you'd like to only view contracts for.
2.11 Click the End Date On/After FIELD to open the calendar widget, select the date to set this filter.
2.12 Click the Entity FIELD and click the NAME of the Entity you'd like to only view contracts for.
2.13 To reset the search criteria, click the X in the bubble displaying the number of filters enabled.
Step 3. Locate Contracts
3.1 The Contracts table resides underneath the Search Filter.
3.2 Click the DOWN ARROW to expand the list to show subsidiary contracts.
3.3 Click on the CONTRACT record to open Contract Overview.
3.2 Click the DOWN ARROW to expand the list to show subsidiary contracts.
3.3 Click on the CONTRACT record to open Contract Overview.
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