RELEASED ON: 22nd March 2016
- 77 - Site administrators can now switch off the ‘my risks’ page completely, when the ‘my risks’ page is disabled users are not able to discuss a risk with a third party using the commenting system.
- 164 - When a risk has been identified from a survey the system will now check to see if the risk has been identified before and update the existing risk with any new details.
- 165 - Flags have been added to the risk register so users can identify new and changed risks quickly. When a new risk has been added from a survey or manually a new flag will be added. When an existing risk has been updated from a survey (See feature 164) a changed flag will be applied. Users can clear a flag by clicking the flag or old flags will be removed after 5 days.
- 166 - On the survey builder you can now see the associated risk and likelihood on the survey builder view without having to click on edit.
- 173 - New client accounts can now be setup by system administrators without the need for support, this includes database creation and users.
- 172 - The system now stores the correct IP address of users that have attempted to login when behind a load balancer.
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