RELEASE ON: 14th June 2019
- Brand new compliance module
- New survey review tools (risk findings)
- All survey submissions report
- [GRCC-2731, GRCC-2732, GRCC-2733, GRCC-2734] - Added an Entity compliance section to the entity profile
- [GRCC-2735] - Add compliance threshold to risk category
- [GRCC-2736] - You can now adjust the risk item severity labels (matrix)
- [GRCC-2737, GRCC-2738, GRCC-2739, GRCC-2740, GRCC-2741] - Compliance report
- [GRCC-2889, GRCC-2891] - New entity submissions section
- [GRCC-2890] - Flagged list on entity submissions
- [GRCC-2892, GRCC-2893, GRCC-2894] - Survey answers page
- [GRCC-2895] - Access entity survey answers from Schedules
- [GRCC-2896, GRCC-2897, GRCC-2898] - Setting up answer flags Manual risks - Schedule
- [GRCC-2901] - View submission period progress within entity submissions
- [GRCC-2941] - Export all submission answers from a submission period
- [GRCC-2942] -Default all external users to enter an entity when they add documents
- [GRCC-2987] - You can now edit and delete notes from entity notes section
- [GRCC-3002] - Show the auth method (SSO or password) within the user list
- [GRCC-2394] - Fixed an issue where you could not edit renewal reminder
- [GRCC-2756] - Fixed an issue where the risk preview pill missing when editing task
- [GRCC-2769] - Updated sliding menu design
- [GRCC-2790] - Fixed an issue wehre you were able to view all surveys if you are admin on the top level entity
- [GRCC-2805] - Fixed links not working in task reminder email
- [GRCC-2854] - Fixed context links are not being sent securely
- [GRCC-2869] - Fixed a Firefox caching issue
- [GRCC-2870] - You are able to see the name of an entity you don't have permission to within schedules
- [GRCC-2871] - Added a rate limiter the password reset request
- [GRCC-2905] - Fixed an issue where document visibility defaulting to all in the instance when completing a survey
- [GRCC-2935] - The risk selector within library does not show the library risks
- [GRCC-2948] - Unable to submit a survey with a required document
- [GRCC-2956] - Email template markup
- [GRCC-2958] - Allow the breadcrumbs to work 3 layers deep
- [GRCC-2994] - Updated Imports after the tenant session change
- [GRCC-3005] - Fixed a runner route session/database error
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