RELEASE ON: 3rd September 2018
- [GRCC-31] - You can now switch on 2FA for individual users.
- [GRCC-1415] - You can now duplicate survey responses from one entity to another if you have the permission.
- [GRCC-1679] - The character limit has been increased on survey responses.
- [GRCC-1775] - You can now filter by risk type custom fields within your risk registers.
- [GRCC-1778] - The risk type is now shown within the entity executive reports.
- [GRCC-1779] - You can now filter entity risks by the risk type custom fields.
- [GRCC-1784] - The report now shows the number of risks within each risk type.
- [GRCC-1785] - You can now fill in custom risk type fields when creating a manual risk.
- [GRCC-1796] - New documents are now shown at the top of the documents list.
- [GRCC-1797] - You can now search for a document by its id.
- [GRCC-1877] - You can now choose to login with SMS two factor auth instead of using an app.
- [GRCC-1902] - We have change the summary stats for schedule submissions.
- [GRCC-1923] - When importing risks, you can choose to download a recommended import spreadsheet.
- [GRCC-1924] - You can upload a csv/excel spreadsheet of risks to import.
- [GRCC-1925] - You can map the fields of your imported spreadsheet to the risk item fields.
- [GRCC-1926] - You can import based on your mapping.
- [GRCC-1927] - You will see a confirmation or failure messages when importing.
- [GRCC-1928] - You can see the risk items that were imported in the risk registers.
- [GRCC-1929] - You can see that the risk item was imported from the risk item page.
- [GRCC-1971] - We have changed the invite process so you cannot invite someone which escalates permissions to them.
- [GRCC-1808] - You can no longer login concurrently from another computer using the same login details.
- [GRCC-1660, GRCC-1790, GRCC-1801, GRCC-1809, GRCC-2045] - Various security improvements.
- [GRCC-1786] - We have updated progress bars across the site.
- [GRCC-1072] - We have moved the labels on historical charts so they don't overlap.
- [GRCC-1465] - We have fixed an issue with risk archive pages showing the wrong content.
- [GRCC-1500] - We have fixed an issue if the same values in custom fields were selected.
- [GRCC-1567] - We have fixed an issue where you could not remove a file upload description on text questions.
- [GRCC-1694] - We have fixed an issue where advanced filters on mange entities would not clear.
- [GRCC-1699] - We have fixed the error message displayed for forgotten passwords.
- [GRCC-1791] - We have fixed the alignment of risk categories and tags.
- [GRCC-1813] - We have fixed an issue when download a report with phantomJS.
- [GRCC-1820] - We have fixed an issue with SSO error handling.
- [GRCC-1832] - We have fixed an issue when adding a document to risks via the risk register.
- [GRCC-1838] - We have fixed an issue with schedules not appearing in the dashboard widget.
- [GRCC-1845] - We have fixed an issue with open text responses which require document uploads.
- [GRCC-1853] - We have fixed an issue with the my risks page.
- [GRCC-1854] - We have fixed an issue when viewing or changing the policy owner.
- [GRCC-1880] - We have fixed an issue where the category would be added twice on some occasions when auto categorising.
- [GRCC-1883] - We have changed the wording of risk area to import area.
- [GRCC-1890] - We have fixed an issue where a text question at the end of a survey may not show the complete survey modal.
- [GRCC-1911] - We have fixed an issue where submission documents stay attached even if they are removed from the submission.
- [GRCC-1914] - We have fixed an issue with the historical report page not loading when there is a lot of the history.
- [GRCC-1915] - We have fixed an issue with uploading PDF's of a certain size.
- [GRCC-1918] - We have fixed an issue where schedules start dates may not show on the schedule lists.
- [GRCC-1934] - We have fixed an issue when importing a survey from the library would not set all the import areas.
- [GRCC-1935] - We have fixed an issue where new instances may not have the correct impact areas.
- [GRCC-1941] - We have fixed an issue when upload very large documents.
- [GRCC-1953] - We have fixed an issue where google had wrongly list domains as unsafe.
- [GRCC-2030] - We have fixed an issue where reports loaded very slowly.
- [GRCC-2074] - We have fixed an issue where entity risk reports were not downloading.
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