RELEASED ON: 27th October 2017
- [GRCC-94] - Added the ability to send emails from the clients email domain
- [GRCC-817] - Added the ability to remember the page and search params when clicking back to the risk register.
- [GRCC-947] - Added the ability to create and edit unique entity fields to your entity types.
- [GRCC-952] - Entities profile page now show important information on the left panel.
- [GRCC-953] - Added the ability to edit the entity profile details in the left panel.
- [GRCC-954] - Added the ability to edit the entity profile categories in the left panel.
- [GRCC-955] - Added the ability to edit the entity profile users in the left panel.
- [GRCC-956] - Added the ability to edit the entity profile relations in the left panel.
- [GRCC-957] - Added the ability to create a new entity from the entity list page.
- [GRCC-958] - Created and entity activities page and allowed child entity activities to be shown.
- [GRCC-959] - Created an entity submissions page in the entity profile.
- [GRCC-960] - Created an entity risks page in the entity profile.
- [GRCC-961] - Created an entity notes page in the entity profile.
- [GRCC-962] - Created an entity documents page in the entity profile.
- [GRCC-963] - Created an entity contracts page in the entity profile.
- [GRCC-964] - Created an entity policy page in the entity profile.
[GRCC-965] - Created an list of entity types and allowed those types to be edited from the entities list page. - [GRCC-984] - Allowed risk register statuses to be changed from the risk register.
- [GRCC-998] - Added the ability to invite a user from the entity profile page.
- [GRCC-999] - Added the ability to delete an entity.
- [GRCC-1016] - Added the ability to filter reports to reflect entities.
- [GRCC-1017] - Added the ability to disable/enable an entity from the entity profile page.
- [GRCC-1018] - Add an additional filter to the risk register for entity type.
- [GRCC-1041] - Allowed an entity type to be deleted.
- [GRCC-1076] - Added the ability to create a child entity from an entity relations page.
[GRCC-1238] - The help text in questions now allows for line breaks.
[GRCC-1242] - Allow the currency symbol to be changed throughout the system from the site admin settings page.
- [GRCC-945] - Renamed the third party statuses to entity statuses and moved the entity statuses from site admin section to the entities list page
- [GRCC-946] - Renamed the third party categories to entity categories and moved the entities categories from the site admin section to the entities page
- [GRCC-948] - Redesigned the users list section to include all users and moved to a deicated users section.
- [GRCC-950] - Updated the contracts sections to include entities.
- [GRCC-951] - Updated schedules to include entities and entity categories.
- [GRCC-1047] - Updated the documents section to show entities.
- [GRCC-1065] - Updated the my risks page to use the new permissions.
- [GRCC-1102] - Updated the policy section to allow for multiple entities.
- [GRCC-437] - Refactor permissions completely so they are capability of check agaist parent child relationsips.
- [GRCC-927] - Redesigned layout for entities list page to show the entity tree structure.
- [GRCC-1126] - Updated email templates from third party to entities.
- [GRCC-1127] - Changed entity risks report button to use entities
- [GRCC-1128] - Updated add manual risk to entities on the risk registers.
- [GRCC-1131] - Update entity risk pill on the entity profile page to work with entities.
- [GRCC-1205] - Updated wording on settings page.
- [GRCC-1206] - Updated entity and survey icons.
- [GRCC-1215] - Prevented changing of admin role name and fixed the admin role to all permissions.
- [GRCC-1239] - Updated the 'My Surveys' Percentage Bars to reflect progress.
- [GRCC-929] - Fixed an issue where the system would redirect to an api route after the system times out.
- [GRCC-938] - Fixed an issue where you could not edit a schedule.
[GRCC-940] - Fixed an issue where some users could not see the risk item statues on the 'my risks' page. - [GRCC-941] - Fixed an issue where risk items could appear on another risk register when a risk register was deleted.
- [GRCC-942] - Fixed an issue when deleting a third party.
- [GRCC-973] - Fixed an issue where risk items were not Showing for some third parties.
- [GRCC-975] - Fixed an issue where multiple choice answers were not showing in submissions.
- [GRCC-1039] - Fixed an issue where you could not change the statuses from the risk register page
- [GRCC-1046] - Fixed an issue where the contracts section was not loading.
- [GRCC-1236] - Fixed an issue where answers on mulitple check boxes was not saving the notes.
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