RELEASED ON: 5th March 2018
- [GRCC-880] - Added the ability for entities to view their completed survey submissions.
- [GRCC-1398] - Added the ability to create a relationship type.
- [GRCC-1399] - Added the ability to edit relationship types.
- [GRCC-1400] - Added the ability to create, edit and reorder a relationship type attribute.
- [GRCC-1401] - Added the ability to delete a relationship type.
- [GRCC-1402] - Added the ability to filter the entity tree by the relationship types.
- [GRCC-1404] - Added the ability to show a relationship within the entity tree.
- [GRCC-1405] - Added the ability to filter the entity tree by a relationship type attribute.
- [GRCC-1406] - Added the ability to export the filtered entity tree.
- [GRCC-1407] - Added the ability to add and edit a relationship on an entity.
- [GRCC-1408] - Added the ability to delete a relationship between entities.
- [GRCC-1409] - Added a dedicated entity relationships page.
- [GRCC-1410] - Added the ability to filter the relationships on the entity relations page.
- [GRCC-1412] - Added the ability to click into a schedule via the entity submissions page.
- [GRCC-1440] - Added risk recommendations to the executive report page.
- [GRCC-1441] - Added the ability to delete a relationships attributes.
- [GRCC-1475] - Added the ability to switch the 'my survey' invite user button on or off.
- [GRCC-1466] - We have improved the speed on the survey page if you are renumbering a survey.
- [GRCC-1490] - We have improved error reporting and improved the stability of the application.
- [GRCC-1376] - We have improved the speed on the schedule page and moved the delete option to the schedule settings page.
- [GRCC-1310] - We have improved the search capability when adding users to entities.
- [GRCC-1117] - We have fixed an issue where custom notifications were not sent on the correct day and time.
- [GRCC-1416] - We have fixed an issue where notifications were sometimes not sent to the entity owner when a survey was completed.
- [GRCC-1433] - We have fixed an issue where users could not accept or reject a policy.
- [GRCC-1451] - We have fixed an issue where schedule percentage was not showing the correct figure.
- [GRCC-1452] - We have fixed an issue where existing formatting was lost after the release which improved formatting.
- [GRCC-1453] - We have fixed an issue where the survey builder would scroll to the bottom of the page after editing a question.
- [GRCC-1454] - We have fixed an issue where external users were unable to start or resume surveys.
- [GRCC-1456] - We have fixed an issue where emails were not sending via a cron job.
- [GRCC-1457] - We have fixed an issue where the experience answering questions was very slow.
- [GRCC-1458] - We have fixed an issue where you could not attach a library risk to a library survey answer.
- [GRCC-1471] - We have fixed an issue where it reported that you needed to submit documents when the document was not required.
- [GRCC-1478] - We have fixed an issue where you could edit ip ranges when the security was not enabled.
- [GRCC-1488] - We have fixed an issue where schedules did not add the recipients sometimes.
- [GRCC-1496] - We have fixed an issue where Welcome and thank you pages were not copied to the survey if you choose to copy the survey.
- [GRCC-1504] - We have fixed an issue where external users could not invite new users via the my survey page.
- [GRCC-1510] - We have fixed an issue where the site would not scale if an instance failed to create.
- [GRCC-1511] - We have fixed an issue where the database instance failed due to storage limits.
- [GRCC-1533] - We have fixed an issue where you could see other entities contracts on the entity profile page if you reset the filter.
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